My legs feel like dead weight.
I don’t know how I am still walking.
My muscles feel like they’ll fail at any second.
I wouldn’t mind if I fell.
It would allow me to pause and look up at the sky.
My heavy body would go limp against the plush grass.
It sounds like a blissful experience.
I’ve been so tired.
All I feel is heavy.
Like I’ll crumble from all the weight on my back.
Heaviness is better than pain.
I don’t hurt as much anymore.
I haven’t for quite some time.
I’m so sleepy.
As my gaze hits the floor, I wander through my head.
I could lie down for just a second.
It would feel good.
Please stop.
Just a second.
I'll lie down for a bit.
I'll close my eyes.
The plush green grass is lifting me.
I’ll find some peace.
I just need a minute.
It's all just... so heavy.
Image: https://pin.it/4wq5fIU